What Is Apologetics?
Here is an introduction to Christian Apologetics, answering why, how, and the importance of scriptures.
The word “apologetics” comes from the Greek word “apologia,” pronounced “ap-ol-og-ee’-ah.” It means, “a verbal defense.” It is used eight times in the New Testament: Acts 22:1; 25:16; 1 Corinthians 9:3; 2 Corinthians 10:5-6; Philippians 1:7; 2 Timothy 4:16, and 1 Peter 3:15. But it is the last verse that is most commonly associated with Christian apologetics.
“…but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence,” (1 Peter 3:15).
Apologetics is the work of convincing people to change their views. Therefore, Christian apologetics is that branch of Christianity that deals with answering any and all critics who oppose or question the revelation of God in Christ and the Bible. It can include studying such subjects as biblical manuscript transmission, philosophy, biology, mathematics, evolution, and logic. But it can also consist of simply giving an answer to a question about Jesus or a Bible passage. The latter case is by far the most common and you don’t have to read a ton of books to do that.
Apologetics can be defensive and offensive. Phil. 1:7 gives us instruction on the defensive side, “For it is only right for me to feel this way about you all, because I have you in my heart, since both in my imprisonment and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel, you all are partakers of grace with me.” 2 Cor. 10:5 gives us instruction on the offensive side: “We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.” The apologist can and should defend his reasons for believing (1 Peter 3:15). But he can also go on the attack. He can seek out those who oppose Christianity (2 Corinthians 10:5). Of course, he should be prepared to do this beforehand, and all apologetics is to be done with gentleness.
Apologetics is the work of convincing people to change their views. In this, it is similar to preaching because its goal is ultimately the defense and presentation of the validity and necessity of the gospel. It is an attempt to persuade the listener to change his beliefs and life to conform to biblical truth and to come to a saving relationship in Christ.
Basically, apologetics can be two things:
Evidential - providing evidence (The Bible and its 66-Books and ancient historians works)
Presuppositional - a belief that takes precedence over another and therefore serves as a criterion for another (Christianity came from Judaism because Jesus Christ is a Jew. I say "Is" because He is still alive)
Evidential Apologetics deals with the evidence for Christianity: Jesus’ resurrection, the biblical manuscripts, fulfilled prophecy, miracles, etc.
Presuppositional Apologetics deals with the presuppositions of those who oppose Christianity because presuppositions affect how a person views evidence and reason.
Questions Concerning the use of Apologetics
Some areas of debate within Christian apologetics deal with the use of evidence, reason, philosophy, etc. Should the apologist use only those criteria acceptable to unbelievers? Are we allowed to use the Bible as a defense of our position, or must we prove Christianity without it? Is reason alone sufficient to prove God’s existence or Christianity’s truth? How much should reason and evidence be used in light of the Scriptures’ teaching that it is God who opens the mind to understand? What part does prayer, using the Bible, and the sinful nature of the unbeliever play in witnessing? How do these factors interrelate to bring an unbeliever to faith? The questions are easy. The answers are not. Dr. Moore is always defending his belief and he enjoys doing so with a "Smile" on his face while stating his case.
Apostle Paul The Apologist
Jesus chose one highly-educated religious person as an apostle. That was Paul. The rest were fishermen, a tax collector, a doctor, etc. They were normal people of the day who were available and willing to be used by the Lord. They were filled with the Spirit of God, and they were used as vessels of God. God uses all things for His glory. So, we do apologetics by faith.
All Christians Are Called To Be Apologists
The Lord has called every Christian to be ready to make a defense of his faith. That means you are called to give reasonable answers to questions regarding Christianity. Now, this does not mean that you must have a Ph.D., (Like Dr. Moore) or that you have to go to seminary (Like DR. Moore). However, it does mean that you should be willing to at least give an answer for your beliefs (Like Dr. Moore). If you find you cannot, then prayerfully take it to God and start studying your Bible more and study this website that Dr. Moore has painlessly put together on your behalf.
Apologetics Is Like A Field
Apologetics is like a field. In the center of the field is a garden surrounded by a wall. This garden has one door, and that door is Jesus. There is one path that leads to that door. Inside the garden is eternal life in the presence of God. Outside the field, however, are rocks, boulders, thorns, thistles, valleys, hills, and many false paths that lead nowhere.
The apologist resides in the field and points people to the true path, so they can find the Garden. The apologist seeks to remove the intellectual thorns and emotional rocks that prevent people from finding the true path to God. Also, there are many people who are walking false paths (cults, philosophies, etc.,) who will never reach that Garden. The apologist gently guides the person, removes the obstacles, and points in the direction of the Garden. When people arrive there, it is between them and God as to whether or not they enter.
In apologetics, picture yourself as a laborer in the field. It isn’t your job to save anyone. It is your job to point the way. You aren’t the only one in the field. Getting them to the Garden is not your job. They get there. You simply help them.
What do you study?
You could pray and ask the Lord to teach you what He wants you to know. Ask Him to give you a burden for something to learn. It doesn’t matter what it is. Just ask. Whatever you become interested in is what you should learn about because it is probably something God wants you to know for later use. It is like having tools in a tool shed. The more you have, the more you can accomplish.
Another way to find out what God wants you to study is through circumstances. Let’s say that a Jehovah’s Witness comes to your door and debates the deity of Christ with you, and you find you don’t know how to defend it biblically. In that case, you know you need to study biblical verses that teach Jesus is God in flesh. Or maybe a coworker asks you how you know the Bible is true? If you don’t have an answer, pray, and start researching. Go to a Christian bookstore and get some books on the subject. Talk to your pastor. You’ll learn. Dr. Moore has a lot of study material on his site and I recommend study it all so as to be able to defend your faith.
Sometimes God will make a verse or subject in the Bible “come alive” to you, and it might strike you as odd or interesting. You could get a commentary and read up on it. You could ask others about it. In so doing, you are preparing yourself through learning to be ready to answer questions and point people to the truth. You’d be surprised how many details God can use to help you in your witness even through those apparently odd times when verses suddenly “come alive.”
Please review the "Table of Contents" at your leisure. To open-up the books that you want to study, simple scroll to the your selection above and click on the appropriate tab.
How Many Gods Are There, One Or Many?
Why Would God Increase The Pain Of Childbirth Because Of Eve’s Disobedience To Him?
Where Did Cain Get His Wife?
GENESIS 5:1-31
Did People Really Live Hundreds Of Years According To Genesis?
Did Anyone Ascend Into Heaven Before Jesus Or Not?
GENESIS 6:2, 5
Who Were The “Sons Of God” In Genesis 6?
GENESIS 6:6, 7
Does The Lord Change Or Not?
GENESIS 6:19-20
How Many Kinds Did Noah Bring Into The Ark, Two Or Seven?
Have All People Sinned Or Not?
GENESIS 10 & 11
Does Genesis Contradict Itself Regarding When Human Languages Divided?
Has Anyone Seen God Or Not?
Why Did Lot Give His Daughters To The Crowd Of Men?
Does God Tempt People Or Not?
GENESIS 22:1-2
Why Did God Tell Abraham To Kill His Son Isaac?
How Many Children Did Abraham Have, One Or Two?
Who Purchased Joseph, The Ishmaelites Or The Midianites?
Why Did God Kill A Man, Onan, For Spilling His Seed On The Ground?
Did Jacob Worship At The Head Of The Bed Or Leaning On A Staff?
EXODUS 9:1-7
Did All Of Egypt’s Livestock Die Or Not?
Is The Lord A God Of Peace Or Of War?
EXODUS 20:4-5
Should You Make Graven Images Or Not?
Do The Sons Bear The Sins Of The Fathers Or Not?
Should We Keep The Sabbath Or Not?
EXODUS 20:12
Can We Call Anyone “Father” Besides God, Including Our Parents?
EXODUS 20:24
Did God Speak About Sacrifices Or Not At The Exodus?
EXODUS 21:20-21
Is a Slave Property?
Do The Badger And Rabbit Chew The Cud?
LEVITICUS 11:13-19
Is A Bat A Bird?
You May Buy Slaves?
Why Was A Man Killed For Gathering Sticks On The Sabbath?
How Can Jesus Be God If God Is Not A Man?
NUMBERS 31:17-18
Why Were Only The Virgins Left Alive Among The Midianites?
Why Did The Israelites Destroy Cities And Kill All Of The People Inside?
Don’t Sacrifice An Animal With A Blemish
Why Stone A Rebellious Son?
Women Should Not Wear Men’s Clothes
Why Stone A Woman For Not Being A Virgin?
JOSHUA 10:12–13
Did Joshua’s Long Day Where The Sun Stood Still Really Happen?
Judges 1:19
Is The Lord God Omnipotent Or Not?
Judges 21:10
Why Did The Israelites Kill The People Of Gilead?
1 Samuel 15:2-3
Why Would God Order The Destruction Of Men, Women, And Children?
1 Samuel 16:19-23
Did Or Did Not Saul Know Who David Was?
1 Samuel 17:50
Was It David Or Elhanan Who Killed Goliath?
1 Samuel 21:1
Was Abiathar Or Ahimelech The High Priest?
1 Samuel 31:4
Who Killed Saul, Saul Or The Amalekite?
2 Samuel 6:23
Did Michal Have Any Children Or Not?
2 Samuel 8:4
How Many Horsemen Did David Capture, 1,700 Or 7,000?
2 Samuel 10:18
How Many Charioteers Were Killed, 700 Or 7,000?
2 Samuel 21:19
Who Killed Goliath, David Or Elhanan?
2 Samuel 24:1
Who Incited David To Count The Fighting Men Of Israel? God Or Satan?
2 Samuel 24:9
How Many Fighting Men Were Found In Judah And Israel?
2 Samuel 24:13
God Sent His Prophet To Threaten David With How Many Years Of Famine?
1 Kings 4:26
How Many Stalls Of Horses Did Solomon Have, 4,000 Or 40,000?
1 Kings 5:16
How Many Supervisors Were There? 3,300 or 3,600?
1 Kings 7:26
How Many Baths, 2,000 Or 3,000 In 1 Kings 7 And 2 Chronicles 4?
1 Kings 22:22
Why Did God Send A Lying Spirit If God Cannot Lie?
2 Kings 2:11
Did Anyone Ascend Into Heaven Before Jesus Or Not?
2 Kings 23:24
Why Would God Allow Two Bears To Kill 42 Young Lads Simply For Saying Elisha Was Bald?
2 Kings 8:26
How Old Was Ahaziah When He Began To Rule Over Jerusalem?
2 Kings 24:8
How Old Was Jehoiachin When He Became King?
2 Kings 24:8
How Long Did Jehoiachin Rule Over Jerusalem?
2 Chronicles 4:2
The Diameter Of A Bowl Is Mathematically Incorrect!
2 Chronicles 11:20
Who Was King Abijah’s Mother?
2 Chronicles 20:1-2
Is there a geographical error in 2 Chronicles 20:1-2?
Ezra 2 & Nehemiah 7
Why Are The Statistics In Ezra 2 And Nehemiah 7 Different?
JOB 1:1
Have All People Sinned Or Not?
JOB 1:1, 12
If Job Was Blameless, Why Did God Allow Satan To Afflict Him?
JOB 1:21
Do Job 1:21 And Ecc. 5:15 Teach Reincarnation?
Does God Hate People Or Love Them?
Can We Call Someone A Fool Or Not?
PSALMS 104:5
Does The Earth Abide Forever Or Not?
PSALMS 137:9
Why Does The Psalmist Speak About Killing Children?
PSALMS 145:9
Is The Lord Good Or Bad To People?
Should We Acquire Wisdom Or Not?
Does The Earth Abide Forever Or Not?
Does Song Of Solomon 8:8 Promote Child Marriage?
Isaiah 2:4
Is The Lord A God Of Peace Or Of War?
Isaiah 7:14
Isaiah 7:14, In Hebrew Means Maiden, Not Virgin. Critics Of The Bible Will, Therefore, Say It Is Not A Prophecy.
Isaiah 13:15-16
Why Does The Bible Say Houses Will Be Plundered And Wives Ravished?
Isaiah 43:10
How Many Gods Are There, One Or Many?
Isaiah 44:24
Is Jesus Or God The Creator Of All Things?
Isaiah 45:7
Is The Lord Good Or Bad To People?
Isaiah 45:7
Does God Create Evil?
Isaiah 65:17
Does The Earth Abide Forever Or Not?
Jeremiah 7:22
Did God Speak About Sacrifices Or Not At The Exodus?
Jeremiah 22:28-30
Did Coniah Have Children Or Not?
Jeremiah 33:27
Is The Lord Omnipotent Or Not?
Ezekiel 18:20
Do The Sons Bear The Sins Of The Fathers Or Not?
Hosea 9:15
Does God Hate People Or Love Them?
Jonah 3:4, 10
Did God Destroy Nineveh Or Not?
Jonah 3:10
Does The Lord Change Or Not?
Zechariah 9:9
Were One Or Two Animals Brought To Jesus?
Matthew 1:16
Why Are There Different Genealogies For Jesus In Matthew 1 And Luke 3?
Matthew 2:23
Did The OT Prophesy Jesus Coming From Nazareth?
Matthew 4:5-8
Where Did The Devil Take Jesus First, The Pinnacle Or Somewhere Else?
Matthew 4:18-19
Where Did Jesus First Meet Simon Peter And Andrew?
Matthew 5:16
Should Or Should We Not Let Our Good Works Be Seen?
Matthew 5:17
Did Jesus Abolish The Law Or Not?
Matthew 5:22
Can We Call Someone A Fool Or Not?
Matthew 6:9-13
To Whom Did Jesus Tell The Lord’s Prayer?
Matthew 8:5-13
Who Brought The Centurion’s Request To Jesus?
Matthew 8:28
How Many Men Came Out To Meet Jesus In Gerasene?
Matthew 8:28
Did Jesus Meet The Demoniacs In Gerasene Or Gaderenes?
Matthew 9:9
Was The Tax Collector Named Matthew Or Levi?
Matthew 9:18
Was Jairus’ Daughter Alive Or Dead When He Came To Jesus?
Matthew 10:2-4
Why Are The Lists Of Disciples Different?
Matthew 10:9-10
Did Jesus Tell His Disciples To Take A Staff Or Not?
Matthew 10:34
Did Jesus Come To Bring Peace Or Not?
Matthew 11:2-3
When Did John Find Out Jesus Was The Messiah?
Matthew 11:13-14
Was John The Baptist Really Elijah?
Matthew 12:31
Can You Be Forgiven Of All Sins Or Not?
Matthew 12:40
How Long Was Jesus‘ Body, Dead In The Tomb?
Matthew 13:31
Is The Mustard Seed The Smallest Of All Seeds?
Matthew 17:1
After How Many Days Did Jesus Take The Three Men Up The Mountain?
Matthew 19:16-21
Are We Saved By Grace Or Works?
Matthew 19:16-22
Did Jesus teach that we could obtain eternal life by keeping the commandments?
Matthew 20:20-21
Who Made The Request To Sit Beside Jesus In His Kingdom?
Matthew 20:29-30
How Many Blind Men Did Jesus Encounter When Leaving Jericho?
Matthew 21:2-7
Were One Or Two Animals Brought To Jesus?
Matthew 21:12
Did Jesus Cleanse The Temple Once Or Twice?
Matthew 21:19
Did The Tree That Jesus Cursed Wither Immediately Or Overnight?
Matthew 23:9
Can We Call Anyone “Father” Besides God, Including Our Parents?
Matthew 24:36
If Jesus Is God, Why Did He Not Know The Hour Of His Return?
Matthew 24:36
If The Holy Spirit Is God, Why Didn’t He Know The Time Of Christ’s Return?
Matthew 25:31-46
Does Matthew 25:31-46 Teach Salvation By Works?
Matthew 26:34-35
Did The Cock Crow Once Or Twice Before Peter’s Third Denial Of Jesus?
Matthew 26:47
Who Arrested Jesus?
Matthew 26:57
Who Did Jesus See First Upon His Arrest, Annas Or Caiaphas?
Matthew 27:3-8
How Did Judas Die, By Hanging Or Falling Down?
Matthew 27:7
Who Bought The Potter’s Field, Judas Or The Jews?
Matthew 27:28,31
Was The Robe Of Jesus Scarlet Or Purple?
Matthew 27:31-32
Did Jesus Or Simon Of Cyrene Carry The Cross?
Matthew 27:34
Was The Vinegar Given To Jesus On The Cross Mingled With Gall Or Myrrh?
Matthew 27:37
What Was Written On The Sign That Was Hung On The Cross Above The Head Of Jesus?
Matthew 27:46
What Were The Seven Things Jesus Said On The Cross?
Matthew 27:55-56
Were The Women Close Or Far From The Cross?
Matthew 28:1-2
Was The Stone Moved Away Before Mary Arrived At Jesus’ Tomb Or Not?
Matthew 28:2
How Many Men Or Angels Appeared At The Tomb After Jesus Rose From The Dead?
Matthew 28:8
Did Or Did Not The Women Tell What Happened At The Tomb And The Resurrection Of Jesus?
Matthew 28:9
Who Saw Jesus First After His Resurrection?
Matthew 28:1
Do The Gospels Disagree On Who Discovered The Empty Tomb?
Matthew 28:6-7
What Did The Angels Tell Mary At The Empty Tomb?
Mark 1:7-13
What Did Jesus Do After Encountering John The Baptist?
Mark 2:14
Was Abiathar Or Ahimelech The High Priest?
Mark 15:25
At What Hour Was Jesus Crucified?
Mark 15:34
What Are The Last Words Of Jesus?
Mark 16:9-20
Is The Ending Of Mark Really Scripture?
LUKE 1:5-6
Have All People Sinned Or Not?
LUKE 7:2-10
Who Brought The Centurion’s Request To Jesus?
LUKE 14:26
Are We Supposed To Hate Or Not?
JOHN 1:18
Has Anyone Seen God Or Not?
JOHN 1:19-21
Was John The Baptist Really Elijah?
JOHN 3:13
Did Anyone Ascend Into Heaven Before Jesus Or Not?
JOHN 3:16
Does God Hate People Or Love Them?
JOHN 5:31
Was Jesus’ Witness Of Himself True Or Not?
JOHN 7:8, 10
Did Jesus Lie When He Said He Would Not Go To The Feast And Then Later He Went?
JOHN 18:20
Did Jesus Lie About Only Speaking In Synagogues And The Temple?
JOHN 18:20
Did Jesus Never Say Anything In Secret As He Said?
JOHN 19:30
Did Jesus Separate From God The Father On The Cross?
ACTS 2:38
Are We Saved From Our Sins By Faith Or By Faith And Baptism?
ACTS 5:29
Shall We Obey God’s Law Or Human Law?
ACTS 9:3-4
When Paul Saw The Light At Jesus‘ Appearance On The Road To Damascus, Did He Fall Down To The Ground?
ACTS 9:7
Did The Men With Paul Hear The Voice Or Not?
ROMANS 3:20, 28
Are We Saved By Grace Or Works?
God Hardened Pharaoh’s Heart. Is That Right?
ROMANS 15:33
Is God A God Of Peace Or Of War Or Both?
Should We Keep The Sabbath Or Not?
Should We Acquire Wisdom Or Not?
How Many Gods Are There, One Or Many?
Did Paul Receive The Gospel From Man Or Not?
Do The Sons Bear The Sins Of The Fathers Or Not?
Is Baptism For The Dead Really Christian?
Is There A Waiting Period Between Dying And Going To Heaven?
How Many Children Did Abraham Have, One Or Two?
Do We Bear One Another’s Burdens Or Not?
​EPHESIANS 2:14-15
Did Jesus Abolish The Law Or Not?
Is Jesus Or God The Creator Of All Things?
Is It Wrong For God To Send A Deluding Influence On People So They Will Not Be Saved?
Why Did God Send A Lying Spirit If God Cannot Lie?