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In 2003, Dr. Christine L. Moore opened and operated a licensed childcare facility named, "PhaZes Pre-school" located in Hillsborough county. Dr. Christine L. Moore was the founder acting director, and Dr. Carlos N. Moore was the business manager. The majority of their customers were singled parent mother's who income fell between low to average. The Moore's decided to keep their fees low in order to accommodate their customers who were struggling maintaining their household and other expenses. "PhaZes Pre-school" remained in operation until 2010 when the Moore's decided to sell the business and focus their attention in a new direction.


What the Moore's learned while serving this low income population is that few people knew where to get childcare assistance. Today, Dr. Carlos N. Moore is hearing the same question as in the past, "Is there any financial assistance that I can get to help me with my childcare needs?" The answer then and now is "Yes."  Let's take a look at one of the major agency that many people do not know about.




Florida KidCare includes free, subsidized and full-pay options based on family income and household size. Most families pay nothing at all, and many pay as little as just $15 or $20 a month for all children in the household. Families who do not qualify for free or subsidized coverage may purchase a competitively priced full-pay plan. From birth through the end of age 18, Florida children are eligible for head to toe coverage, even if one or both parents are working.


Eligibility Requirements


Based on the age of the child, household size, and family income, we automatically match each child with their best fit of the four Florida KidCare programs. All children above the age of 1 are eligible for Florida KidCare coverage through a subsidized or full-pay program, even if one or both parents are working.


Children from birth until their first birthday are eligible for Medicaid if their household income is below 200 percent of the federal poverty level.


To qualify for premium assistance, also known as subsidized coverage, a child must:


  • Be under age 19

  • Be uninsured when Florida KidCare coverage begins

  • Meet income eligibility requirements

  • Be a U.S. citizen or qualified non-citizen (A parent’s immigration status will never be asked.)

  • Not be eligible for fully-subsidized Medicaid

  • Not be in a public institution


Information for Grandparents


Are you raising grandchildren who need health insurance?


Grandchildren that live with you may be eligible for Florida KidCare. When you apply for Florida KidCare, your income will only be considered if it will help your grandchildren become eligible for one of the Florida KidCare programs. The grandchildren you are applying for must live in your home, but it does not matter how long they have lived with you. You can print a Florida KidCare application and instructions from Florida KidCare website, or call 1-888-540-5437 toll-free and one will be sent to you.


Grandparents can bring their grandchildren to the doctor’s office.


Florida Statute Chapter 743.0645 allows a grandparent to consent to medical care on behalf of a child when:


(1) After the treatment provider has made a reasonable attempt to contact the child’s parent or legal guardian and that person cannot be contacted.

(2) If the parent or legal guardian has not given the treatment provider notice that they oppose the treatment.


If your uninsured grandchildren do not live with you...


If you are a grandparent whose uninsured grandchild does not live with you, you can still learn about child health insurance from the state your grandchild lives in. On the Florida KidCare website, go to Insure Kids Now and from the drop-down menu click on the state that your grandchild resides in. You can then contact that state to have an application sent to your grandchild's parents.


Lawfully Residing Immigrant Children


Lawfully residing Florida children are eligible to apply for Florida KidCare health and dental coverage.

NOTE: A parent’s immigration status is not required on the Florida KidCare application, nor is it ever asked.


The Florida Legislature passed a law that has helped many immigrant children who lawfully reside in Florida obtain health insurance coverage since it became effective on July 1, 2016.


Prior to this change, some non-citizen children living in Florida had to be lawfully in the United States at least five years before they qualified for health insurance through the Florida KidCare program.


Children who were previously denied Florida KidCare subsidized coverage because of the five-year waiting period need to reapply online, or by calling 1-888-540-5437.


Some children previously denied because of the five-year rule may be currently enrolled in a health plan through Their families can transfer to Florida KidCare by updating their information with the federal marketplace at or by calling 1-800-318-2596.


If a child is enrolled through employer-based or other private coverage, they can apply at any time, however, Florida KidCare coverage will not begin until the other coverage has ended.


American Indian or Alaskan Native Eligibility


Children who are members of federally recognized American Indian or Alaskan Native tribes may not be required to pay monthly premiums or co-payments once enrolled in Florida KidCare.


If your children are members of federally recognized American Indian or Alaskan Native tribes, please call 1-888-540-5437 toll-free to find out if they are eligible for free health and dental insurance coverage.

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